If u ever go to the Grande Canyon DO NOT RIDE THE MULES! I feel soooo bad because they work there butt's of careing people up high hill's when they past by me i releized that there hoves were packed with snow and there was a family riding them and wipping them for no reason! they NEVER GET PETTED!OR LOVED! AND AFTER THEY CAREY PEOPLE THEY GET ON TO A TRUCK AND GO GET SLAUGHTERED! It's soo sad when me and my family went to the Grande Canyon and when we saw the pore mules we saw a sighn that said DO NOT PET THE MULES! but that didn't stop us! we went ahead and pet them and they were soocute and loveing! we really wanted to adopt them! we went back to the car and got left over apples and bisscutts! I was soo happy that we got to do that! that was there first time being loved! and all the people that work for the mules are sooo grauchey mean and not pleasent to be aruond! me and my mom said that the next time we come to the Grande Canyon we protest about this and tell everyone about this! anouther thing we were going to do was hang posters on the trees about this ! my mom said we should sneek and open the gate and let them free and save them! BUT PLEASE DO NOT RIDE THEM! HELP THEM AND BE A LIFE SAVER TO ANIMALS AND OUR PLANET!!!
That is a lot of wrideing.